Mac Sequence Viewer Suite allows you to generate a detailed quality report for your DNA sequences, open AB1 (ABI) chromatogram files, Sort out good quality electropherograms (based on parameters that you define), edit the comments field in your DNA sequence files, and more!
To use Mac Sequence View, simply drag and drop your ABI chromatogram files onto the program icon. A report will open in your default browser window. You can sort by different measures of quality by clicking the column headers. You can click the link (that is the sample name), and a window will pop Up displaying the trace (4 color peaks). You can quickly determine if the basecalls are correct by looking at the DNA trace files. We also provide quick links to BLAST and VecScreen, and a detailed help page.
Sifter will allow you to manage your ABI files by quickly sorting them according to quality parameters that you specify. Just drag a FOLDER full of ABI sequences onto the program icon, and let the program run. The sequences will be sorted into good and bad folders.
ABI comment changer lets you change the comments field in your ABI files. Simply drag and drop the files into the program icon, and you will be given the option of changing the comments one at a time, or in batch mode. This makes managing and separating your ABI files much easier.